A trilogia do amor
A trilogia do amor


(See original in Portuguese)


Trilogia do Amor [Trilogy of Love] comprises O sexophuro, A paixão de Lia [The Passion of Lia] and O amante brasileiro [The Brazilian Lover], three works of fiction dealing with love. O sexophuro centers on an impossible marriage and focuses on a woman who seeks another way out. A paixão de Lia deals with a woman who, to compensate for the lack of someone to love, loses herself in fantasy. Going from one imaginary setting to another, she fulfills herself through the freedom of the mind but remains alone from beginning to end of the novel. In O amante brasileiro, a woman finds a true partner, and the novel focuses on two characters, Clara and Sébastien, who are truly in love and desire harmony above all else. Communion, which the protagonist of O sexophuro cannot even imagine, and Lia achieves only in imagination, is experienced in full reality by Clara and Sébastien, lovers and soul mates.

where to purchase

Livraria Cultura (portuguese – printed) | Livraria Cultura (portuguese – e-book)